Welcome to our online repair reporting system Fixflo where you conveniently report repairs through to us.
However if you are experiencing a genuine maintenance emergency outside of our normal office hours, please report the issue via FixFlo https://completeletting.fixflo.com.
Lost Keys
If you have lost your house keys, please contact an emergency locksmith. Do note that this must be at your own expense.
Gas Leak Emergency
National Grid – 0800 111 999
Water Leak
If you are experiencing a water leak, please ensure you mitigate any further damage caused by isolating the water at the mains stopcock.
Loss of power or water
If you have a total loss of power or water supply, please check with the appropriate utility company to ensure that services have not been temporarily disrupted before contacting us.
Non-Emergency Repair
With any other repairs, please report this via FixFlo https://completeletting.fixflo.com and your respective property manager who will pick this up on their return to the office.
Should your building have a concierge or porter, contact them in the first instance as they may be able to help rectify your problem. If you are a tenant living in a recently completed property under warranty, please refer to your home information manual for details of emergency contacts.
Your Landlord will only accept responsibility for genuine emergency out-of-hours repairs. They reserve the right to challenge any unsubstantiated call-outs and associated costs incurred.
All submitted reports are sent straight to your property manager at Complete Prime Residential.
Please be as descriptive as possible and always provide a photo of the problem when you can. To report issues please go to: https://completeletting.fixflo.com
You will receive an email from Fixflo with further details about the service and how to set up our account.